HR Products and Support
At Barclay Taylor we are committed to the highest standards of HR best practice as well as full compliance with the most up-to-date employment law.
That might sound expensive but it doesn’t have to be.
We provide cost-effective solutions to the HR management issues of small and medium sized business enterprises. We will give you the tools and support you need to take control of your HR management. Allowing you to maximise the potential of the staff in your business and giving you the time you need to continue growing your business.
We provide HR support and advice when you need it. You can call or email and have direct contact with of our team of specialist employment lawyers.
Contact us to find out about our HR support options.
We have developed a range of fixed-price products designed to allow your business to achieve HR management Best Practice. Puttting in place policies and procedures which provide clear routes for both you and your employees to address any employment-related issues that may arise.
The Barclay Taylor Healthcheck is a risk management exercise.
In outline the Healthcheck comprises:
- A telephone interview conducted by one of our employment lawyers, to try to find out what, if any, issues might need addressing to bring your business to the desired level.
- A visit to your offices for approximate 1-2 hours, again by one of our employment lawyers. Using interviews, observation and a specially devised questionnaire they will conduct an appraisal of your current HR provision.
- They will produce a report highlighting what areas need urgent attention and others that might need some prioritising. They will give recommendations suggesting the simplest and most cost-effective routes to help you achieve this.
These have been drafted with both the employer and the employee in mind.
The policies and procedures contained in our Staff Handbooks will mean your business meets its statutory requirements. It contains ready made policies, enabling you to address many common workplace problems – for example: repeated sickness absence; misuse of your internet and communications facilities; and inappropriate behaviour.
For your employees, it contains information on their legal rights in the workplace – for example: Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Leave entitlement and Health & Safety policy. It has a Behaviour & Code of Conduct policy to ensure your employees are treated well by their colleagues. It sets out a Disciplinary Procedure and a Grievance Procedure, so your employees know that you will follow procedures required at law to deal with any workplace matter (and you have an easy route to follow).
We will take all the appropriate details from you over the telephone and then spend up to 2 hours adapting the Staff Handbook to the specifics of your business needs and requirements.
£750.00 + VAT
Contact us if you’d like to see the contents page to the Staff Handbook.
“Recruitment to Retirement” Pack:
We have created this package to ensure a positive experience for employers at all points of the employment relationship. It is designed to reduce thinking and preparation time for you and, whether you’re trying to draft a job advert or conduct an appraisal, it provides you with bullet point guidance and pro forma documents to use or amend – all carefully researched to ensure you stay on the right side of discrimination legislation whilst encouraging high performance and good conduct.
The package is divided into sections – 50% of the contents is in separate chapters addressing the various stages in discrimination-free recruitment and 50% in separate chapters, assisting with inductions, appraisals, contract changes and, if necessary, disciplinary meetings and the various termination scenarios.
We are confident that using the forms and draft letters we have prepared for you will enable you to step up painlessly to HR Best Practice and help you avoid vexatious claims from disgruntled employees.
£1,000.000 + VAT
Includes a supply of forms with procedural advice.
A “Recruitment to Retirement” pack add-on designed specifically to help you avoid Equal Pay claims.
£200.00 + VAT
Includes a supply of forms with procedural advice.
Guidance Notes: Conducting a Disciplinary Meeting:
We have created this guidance booklet to take away all the stress and worry when preparing to take a disciplinary meeting – which is often as painful for the employer as it is for the employee.
The booklet gives you step-by-step advice taking you all the way through the disciplinary meeting: from tips on greeting and seating the employee at the start of the meeting, to making sure that all the legal requirements are being followed. Short of giving you a script to follow verbatim, this booklet provides you with all the information you need to conduct the meeting.
£200.00 + VAT