Employment law advice for Employees
Are you being asked to leave your employment and have you been requested to sign a Compromise Agreement? We can check this for you to ensure you’re not waiving any of your rights unnecessarily. Contact us for a free discussion of your situation and our fixed rates for advising on standard Agreements.
Has your employer told you the reason for this in writing? Have they invited you to a meeting to discuss the issues? Were you told all of the issues in advance and allowed to take a colleague with you? In most cases the employer must do all of the above before they can dismiss or discipline fairly. If the complaint is abut your behaviour the employer must conduct a reasonable investigation and establish grounds for any action against you. If the complaint is about your abilities then the employer must give you a reasonable opportunity to improve. Contact us for further details and a free 15 minute telephone consultation.
Mistreated? Treated less favourably? Victimised or harassed?
Workers are protected from discrimination on grounds of sex, race, gender, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, religious belief or age. Your employer is liable for the abuse carried out by other employees. The Legislation exists to protect you. Contact us for further details and a free 15 minute telephone consultation.
Not able to comply with your bosses demands? Talk to us for honest advice about indirect discrimination.
Not getting the right pay or promotion? Are your complaints being ignored?
Put your grievance in writing. Your employer will have to deal with the issue and invite you to a meeting to discuss it. If this does not resolve the issue, contact us for further advice. You may have a claim at an Employment Tribunal.
Going to resign? Happy to go or being forced out?
If you are being forced out, then think carefully before resigning. You will need to put your complaint in writing 28 days before issuing a claim. This type of claim is called 'constructive dismissal' and is often hard to prove.
Has the company you work for been taken over?
You are entitled to keep the same terms and conditions offered by your old employer. You do not have to accept new terms. Contact us for further advice.
Think you have a claim at an Employment Tribunal?
Act quickly, in most cases you must make your claim within 3 months of the job ending or the action complained about occurring. Contact us for advice on how this time limits can be extended. Before you make your claim, make sure that you have covered all possible grounds and that you know how to substantiate your claim. Contact us for further advice an a free 15 minute telephone consultation.